Lithuanian cuisine -1 : Snail operation Vs Local Pizza

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Dėmesio! Dėmesio!


This test was made with no trick, no special effect during a diner where the demons of the digital era have polluted the implementation of a kid movie for long minutes during which your amazing narrator has finally found how to make the sound go out of the Tv with the image....


If i take in account my short experience on the Lithuanian soil, if you want to eat a coarse cuisine you can go to any restaurant ( I don't speak about the local chinese where everything is too much quantity, sugar... or the strange pizza on which it is common here to add ketchupas and white sauce.... (on the pizzaria table you shall find ketchupas and white sauce... it was the 13th command Moïse brought back from the mount "Idontrememberthename" and that roll till Lithuania. Hereafter 2 photos for those who wont believe me my normal pizza and the lithuanian eatable one for local people if i trust what i'm told:


Not so bad pan pizza  :




Lithuanian version:



No comment....



And this is quite amazing when you have the privilege to have diner in Lithuanian homes, it is in general very tasty..

The dishes are usually prepared with care, the flavours are nicely chosen...

This night, the diner was among the best i have had over the last 3 months (my gustatory memory is unable to remember anything farther...)


During the diner our hosts tell me about a piece of a pretty astonishing information : they had a lot of snails and did not know how to get rid of them and then the idea to bake them appeared after they read an magasine article that explained how to do cook : french snails "dans les règles de l'art' (respecting the art rules...) because my grandmother prepared them this specific way....


The last time i've eaten homemade snails was in my deep childhood... a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away.... Sorry young padawans I'm getting out of the subject... It was more than 25 years ago and gosh! I feel so old now i've said that.........


First of all, i'm curious. This ancestral french recepe was explained with talent in a Lithuanian magasine!! And this idea to eat the invaders !!! This is properly French or Alien (please see War of Worlds movie if you don't get this one...)!!


Here is the chief cook and honorable host for this evening. I precise that his wife, as it is often the case was the brain of the "Snail opération".

In Lithuania women are queens, here "you don't poop in a woman boots" (this is a very french expression to express the fact you annoy someone... you poop in his/her boots.. i thought it would not be the same without it and i've nobody to censure that.. so... )

The egality of women here isn't the subjet... sometimes i wonder if the subjet is not the equality of men... They DO have a woman president ! That's something!




Snails with the chief cook :





Before :




After :




They are empty, no trick no special effect....


It was perfectly cooked, i didn't spend my evening glued on toilets.... amazing, isn't it?


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